Retrieving the attributes of a user custom field

On this page

Use this method to retrieve the attributes of a user custom field.

IMPORTANT: To retrieve the data using this method, you must be authenticated with a user that has permissions to edit the custom fields of other users. See Configuring the app permissions.

Request URL

The request URL takes the following form:

GET <ROOT>/rest/stonikbyte-project-team-api/1.0/custom-field/fieldId







The id of the user custom field for which you want to retrieve the data.

A successful response

An HTTP 200 status response indicates a successful request. The result data is in JSON format and depends on the field type. The example bellow is for a field of type Multi Value Picker.

{ "id": 3, "type": 1, "name": "Languages", "displayInProjectTabPanel": true, "displayInUserProfilePanel": true, "usersMayCreateOptions": true, "description": "", "listOptions": [ { "id": 2, "name": "English", "customFieldId": 3, "addedByUserKey": "admin" }, { "id": 3, "name": "French", "customFieldId": 3, "addedByUserKey": "admin" }, { "id": 1, "name": "German", "customFieldId": 3, "addedByUserKey": "admin" } ] }

Error Response

If the REST call fails, the service returns one of the following HTTP statuses:

HTTP Status Code


HTTP Status Code



Returned if the calling user is not authenticated or user does not have enough permissions. Same in case of invalid app license.