Displaying user attributes in issue screens

Displaying user attributes in issue screens

Project Team introduces a new type of issue custom field named User Advanced Attribute, which can be used to display the advanced attributes of the issue's reporter, assignee or other user field in Jira issue screens. They will appear under the Details panel of the issue screen.

These issue custom fields can also be displayed as columns of the search results table.

Follow these steps to add a custom field that displays an advanced attribute (added via user custom fields in Project Team) of a user:

  • Log in to Jira as an administrator

  • Go to Issues > FIELDS > Custom fields

  • Click Add custom field

  • In the Select a Field Type dialog, click All or Advanced and select the User Advanced Attribute custom field type

  • In the Configure 'User Advanced Attribute' Field dialog, enter a Name for the new field

  • At Description you must enter the arguments for mapping the field on a user attribute in this format:





This must be always set to "issue"


This represents the ID of the Jira issue field that contains the user key. User 'reporter' for the issue's reporter, 'assignee' for the issue's assignee or the id of another issue custom field that contains a user key (for example, a custom field of type User Picker).


This represents the type (as a numeric value) of the user custom field defined in Project Team that represents the user advanced attribute that you want to map. To determine the type of the user custom field to be mapped, go to Jira Administration > Project Team > User Custom Fields and look at the column Type.


This represents the ID (numeric value) of the user custom field defined in Project Team that represents the user advanced attribute that you want to map. To determine the type of the user custom field to be mapped, go to Jira Administration > Project Team > User Custom Fields and look at the column ID.


issue|reporter|0|1 - this will display the reporter's user custom field that has type 0 - Text and ID 1
issue|assignee|1|2 - this will display the assignee's user custom field that has type 1 - Multi Value Picker and ID 2
issue|10102|1|2 - this will display the user custom field that has type 1 - Multi Value Picker and ID 2 of the user specified in the issue's custom field that has ID 10102

Make sure to separate the arguments by '|'.

  • Click Create to add the field

  • Associate the newly added field with the issue screen.

The field is displayed in view issue screen only if it has a value. So please make sure that the user for whom the value is displayed has the corresponding user custom field set in his profile. The field does not appear on the edit issue screen as it is just a read-only field. Also, the field is not searchable, so it cannot be used in JQL queries.