Displaying the Project Team

Displaying the Project Team

The team can be displayed in two different modes, depending on the user's selection.

Project team displayed by members

In this mode, each team member is listed along with their full name, username, avatar, email address, project role(s) and the user custom fields defined by the Jira administrator. You can click the username to see the profile of the user.

You can sort the data in the table by clicking a column header. Also, the data can be filtered by typing a text in the Filter by field.
This mode is used when Display mode is set to By members. The size of the avatar (small or large) can also be changed on the app configuration page (see Configuring the app settings). The content of the table can be exported in CSV format by clicking the top-right export icon.

Project team displayed by project roles

In this mode, each role defined in the project is listed along with its members. You can click the username to see the profile of the user.

You can sort the data in the table by clicking a column header. Also, the data can be filtered by typing a text in the Filter by field.
This mode is used when Display Mode is set to By roles.

The Total Members column indicates the number of members belonging to each project role. The content of the table can be exported in CSV format by clicking the top-right export icon.