New and Recently Updated Documents gadget

With this gadget, you can display in your Jira dashboards the documents that were recently created or updated. How recently? It depends on the number of days that you specify in the gadget's configuration settings. The documents that were created during the period displayed by the gadget are marked as NEW. Only documents of type File or URL are displayed; folders are never displayed.


The current Jira user must have permissions for browsing the project and View permissions in Documents in order to visualize the documents displayed by the gadget.

Follow these steps to add the gadget to a Jira dashboard:

  • Log in to Jira and navigate to your dashboard.

  • Click the Edit button in the top-right corner of the dashboard. The "Add a Gadget" panel will be displayed.

  • Find the New and Recently Updated Documents gadget in the list of gadgets and click Add.

  • The New and Recently Updated Documents gadget will be displayed on your dashboard. Enter the following setup details for your gadget:









Gadget Title

Enter a title to be displayed in the title bar of the gadget or keep the default value.


The Jira project(s) for which documents are to be displayed. You can select one or more projects. Only the projects on which the current user has Browse permission and View permission in Documents are listed.

Days to include

Days in the past (including today) for which documents are displayed.

Records to include

The maximum number of documents to be displayed.

  • Click the Save button. The gadget will be displayed on your dashboard.