Setting permissions over individual folders and documents

Setting permissions over individual folders and documents

You can limit access to your documents to a specific list of users or groups. Also, you can deny specific users or groups the ability to perform certain actions, like Edit or Delete on your documents.

A user must have "Set Permissions" privileges granted by the Jira admin in order to use this functionality. Also, the permissions set by the users on specific documents and folders are within the limit of global permissions set by the Jira admin on the Permissions page in the app's settings under the Jira administration area. For example, if someone sets the View permission on Allow for a specific user account, that user will still not have the View permission if the account does not belong to a role for which the Jira Admin granted View access at the global level.

Follow these steps to set permissions over a folder or document:

  • In Jira, go to Projects

  • Click the Documents tab

  • Make sure you are on the right project

  • Locate the folder or document that you want to set permissions for and click on its Set Permissions option under the Actions menu

The Set Permissions action is available only if the user has Set Permissions privileges.

  • Check the Include permissions from parent folder if you want this document to inherit the permissions from its parent folder

The permissions inherited from the parent folder are displayed in italic text.

  • In the Set Permissions window, check if the user or group that you want to set permissions for appears in the table. If not, add it to the table by selecting it and clicking Add

  • Once the object (user or group) is listed in the table, click its corresponding Change button. For the objects inherited from the parent folder, click the Override button

  • Set the permissions for View, Edit and Delete as you want, then click Apply

  • To remove a user or group from the table, click its corresponding Remove button

  • Also, make sure to set permissions for Anyone Else as you want

The Project Lead and possibly other users granted by the Jira Admin can access and modify the permissions set here.

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