Watching documents

Watching documents

On this page

You can choose to watch a particular document by signing up for email notifications of any updates relating to that document. As a watcher of a document, you will be notified each time one of the following events occurs:

  • The document was updated

  • The document was deleted

  • Someone stopped or started watching the document

  • A previous version of the document was restored

  • The document was moved to another folder

The format (HTML or Text) of the notification email is the one from the watcher's Jira user profile, configured under the Email Type field. The My Changes option from the watcher's Jira user profile is also considered when notifying the watchers.
The watching options are only available for documents; watching a folder is not possible.

Emails are sent to watchers only if Jira is properly configured to send email notifications.

The documents watched by you have the "watch indicator" displayed near their icon:


Start watching a document

Follow these steps to start watching a document:

  • In Jira, go to Projects

  • Make sure you are on the right project

  • Click the Documents tab

  • Locate the document that you want to watch and click on its Watch option under the Actions menu. A message with the result of this action will pop up at the top of the page

If the Watch menu option is not present, it means that you are already a watcher of that document.

Stop watching a document

Follow these steps to stop watching a document:

  • In Jira, go to Projects

  • Make sure you are on the right project

  • Click the Documents tab

  • Locate the document that you want to watch and click on its Stop watching option under the Actions menu. A message with the result of this action will pop up at the top of the page

If the Stop watching menu option is not present, it means that you are not a watcher of that document.

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