Viewing and editing the user custom field values on the Advanced Profile page

The value of the custom fields of a specific user profile can be visualized and set on the Advanced Profile page of that user.

Any Jira user can access his own Advanced Profile page by clicking the Apps>User Advanced profile menu-option in the Jira top menu bar.



The Advanced Profile page of another user can be opened from the Project Team tab of the Jira project the user belongs to by clicking the user's display name.



Or, if you are on the view issue screen and the user is the issue's reporter or assignee, you can click the Advanced Profile link from the User additional attributes area of that user.

Once you reached the field to be edited, click its edit icon and change its value as you want.

The users can set their own custom field values. Special permissions are required to set the custom field values of the other users (see "Configuring edit permissions").