Linking a document to a Jira issue

Linking a document to a Jira issue

On this page

You can link a document or folder to a Jira issue by creating a remote link for that issue. This can be done via Jira REST API.

Request URL

The request URL takes the following form:
POST <ROOT>/rest/api/latest/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink

Replace "<ROOT>" with the base URL of your Jira server.


You have to specify the following parameters:






The id or the key of the Jira issue where the document will be linked.

Also, the body of the request must contain a JSON with the required attributes.

An example of the request body is as follows:

{ "globalId": "stonikbyte:document-519", "application": { "type": "com.stonikbyte.jira.plugins.project-docs-plugin", "name": "Documents" }, "relationship": "linked documents", "object": { "url": "<ROOT>/plugins/servlet/StonikByte/Document?id=519", "title": "519" } }

In this example, the document with the key (id) 519 is linked to an issue. To link a document or folder, just replace '519' with the key (id) of the document or folder than you want to link.

A successful response

An HTTP 200 status response indicates a successful request.

Error Response

If the REST call fails, the service returns one of the following HTTP statuses:

HTTP Status Code


HTTP Status Code



Returned if the input is invalid (e.g. missing required fields, invalid values, and so forth).


Returned for unauthenticated requests.


Returned if the calling user does not have permission to create/update the remote issue link, or if issue linking is disabled.