Obtaining the Upload Token

Obtaining the Upload Token

On this page

Use this API method to obtain the token. This token is required when calling the method for uploading a file attachment (see above). The result is in JSON format and contains the token.

Request URL

The request URL takes the following form:
GET <ROOT>/rest/stonikbyte-documents-api/1.0/upload-token

A successful response

An HTTP 200 status response indicates a successful request. The result in JSON format will contain the token that you can use to upload a file in Jira. See the Uploading a file attachment section.

{"atl_token" : "B1BP-2GYK-B3BL-S477|ec647875c44a11f602a5d2d760c3d6ba983e32ce|lin"}

Error Response

If the REST call fails, the service returns one of the following HTTP statuses:

HTTP Status Code


HTTP Status Code


401 Unauthorized

Returned for unauthenticated requests or in case of invalid Documents app license