Configuring the app permissions

Configuring the app permissions

By default, anyone can visualize the "Project Team" tab of a project. You can restrict access to the "Project Team" tab through the app permissions configuration. Follow the next steps to configure the app permissions:

  • Log on to Jira as an administrator

  • Go to Administration > Project Team

  • Click Permissions under Project Team App Configuration

  • On the Permissions tab, check the project roles that are allowed to View the "Project Team" tab.

If a Jira user is a member of a project role that has View permission but is also a member of another project role that does not have View permission, it is considered that the user in question has View permission.

  • You can also specify who can edit the custom fields of the users. You might want to grant this permission to managers or HRs. If so, select the specific user or group and click Add. Also, some methods from the Project Team API require this permission for retrieving the data.

  • Check All the users are allowed to edit their own custom fields if you want to allow the users to edit their own fields on the Jira profile page or on the Project Team tab of the projects.

  • Check The project leads are allowed to edit the custom fields of their project members if you want to allow the Jira Project Leads to edit the custom fields of their project users via the Project Team tab of the project.

  • Click Save to apply the changes.