Besides folders, the Documents app supports two three document types:
File – consists of a file that is uploaded and stored in Jira, plus data about that file, like its Title or Description.
URL – consists of a URL (link) to a remote file or web page, plus data about that remote file or web page like Title or Description.
Wiki Document – a document that you can edit directly in Documents via a powerful editor, plus fields like Title or Description. It can be exported as a PDF.
Adding File documents
A File document consists of a file that is uploaded and stored in Jira, along with data about that file like its Title or Description.
Optionally, enter a short Description for the document.
Attach a File. Use the Choose file button to upload the file. The file that you select cannot exceed the maximum file size configured by the Jira administrator.
Optionally, if you use version numbering for your documents, type the current version of the document in the Current Revision field. You can also specify additional information about the current version of the document:
Revision Date – the date when the version of the added document was created.
Revision Author(s) – the name of the person(s) who created the version of the added document.
Revision Notes – a short description of the changes made to the version of the added document.Keep Make me watcher of this document checked if you want to become a watcher of the document.
Click Create. If all the required fields were properly completed, the document is added and displayed in the Documents table. A message with the result of this action will pop up at the top of the page.
Adding File documents using drag & drop
You can also upload one or more files from your local computer using drag & drop. See Uploading files and folders with drag & drop.
Adding URL documents
An URL document consists of a URL (link) to a remote file or web page and data about that remote file or web page, like Title or Description.
Optionally, if you use version numbering for your documents, type the current version of the document in the Current Revision field. You can also specify additional information about the current version of the document:
Revision Date – the date when the version of the added document was created.
Revision Author(s) – the name of the person(s) who created the version of the added document.
Revision Notes – a short description of the changes made to the version of the added document.Keep Make me watcher of this document checked if you want to become a watcher of the document.
Click Create. If all the required fields were properly completed, the document is added and displayed in the Documents table. A message with the result of this action will pop up at the top of the page.
Adding Wiki documents
This is a wiki-style document in which you can add text, images, tables or links through a powerful editor, all of which are entirely stored in your Jira instance. It can be exported as a PDF and, like the other document types, it has fields like Title, Description or Revision and similar functionalities.