You can obtain the metadata (title, description, type, etc) of a document by sending a specific HTTP GET request to the Jira instance running this version of Documents app. The result is returned in JSON format.
Request URL
The request URL takes the following form:
https:/ /MY_JIRA_BASE_URL/plugins/servlet/stonikbyte/projectdocs/get-document-metadata?documentKey=X
Replace "https:/ /MY_JIRA_BASE_URL" with the base URL of your Jira server.
You have to specify the following parameters:
https:/ /myjiraserver:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/stonikbyte/projectdocs/get-document-metadata?documentKey=31
In this example, the metadata of document with the key 31 is returned.
A successful response
An HTTP 200 status response indicates a successful request. The following data about the matching documents is returned:
Data | Description | Example |
id | The key (unique identifier) of the document | 31 |
type | The type of the document. | 1 |
parentType | The type of the document's parent. | 1 |
title | The Title of the document | Project Plan |
jiraProjectID | The ID of the Jira project the document belong to. | 1000 |
originalFileName | The name of the attached file. | ProjectPlan.pptx |
originalFileExtension | The extension of the attached file. | pptx |
target | The internal name of the attached file for a document of type File or the target URL in case of a document of type URL | |
jiraProjectID | The ID of the Jira project the document belongs to. | 1000 |
title | The description of the document | text |
addedbyUserKey | The key of the user who added the document | admin |
addedByUserDirectoryId | The directory ID of the user who added the document | 1 |
dateAdded | The date when the document was added (UTC Time) | 12/09/2014 21:27:12 |
currentRevisionDescription | The Current Revision Description of the document | text |
currentRevision | The Current Revision of the document | text |
currentRevisionAuthors | The Current Revision Author of the document | text |
internalVersion | The current version of the document | 2 |
fileSize | The size of the attached file in bytes | 34696 |
Error Response
If the REST call fails, the service returns one of the following HTTP statuses: