Setting | Description |
Gadget Title | Choose what to display in the title bar of the gadget. |
Data Source | Select the type of Data Source used by the gadget: TheagileBoard of your team. ASaved filter containing the issues that you want to track in the chart. Make sure that the specified filter is shared with the users who will also visualize this gadget. Check Include the sub-tasks if you want the sub-tasks from the selected board, filter or JQL to be included in the calculation. Also, check Include the issues from the "To Do" category if you want the "To Do" issues to be displayed along with the "In Progress" issues. A JQL query that returns the issues you want to be processed by the gadget.
Display chart by | It indicates what the chart displays on its horizontal axis and how the issues are grouped in the chart. The statuses of the issues makes the horizontal axis display the statuses of the issues. If Data has a Board selected, the horizontal axis of the chart displays the workflow statuses mapped on the "in-progress" columns of the selected board. If Data has a Filter selected, the horizontal axis of the chart displays the "in-progress" category statuses of the issues from the selected filter. The columns of the selected board makes the chart display on its horizontal axis the "in-progress" columns of the selected board along with their issues. |
Age calculation method | Specify how the age is calculated by choosing one of these options: Time since last entry in current status or board column - the age is the time since the last entry in its current status (if the chart is displayed by The statuses of the issues) or the time since the last entry the current board column (if the chart is displayed by The columns of the selected board). The previous occurrences are not counted. Sum-up the time of all the occurrences in current status or board column - the age is the total time spent in its current status (if the chart is displayed by The statuses of the issues) or the total time spent in its current board column (if the chart is displayed by The columns of the selected board). The previous occurrences are counted. Sum-up the time of all the occurrences in the category of its current status or board column - the age is the total time spent in the category (To Do, In progress or Done) of its current status (if the chart is displayed by The statuses of the issues) or of its current board column (if the chart is displayed by The columns of the selected board). The previous occurrences in the status/board columns from the same category as the category of its current status/board column are all counted. The time since the first occurrence in the category of its current status or board column - the age is the total time since the moment when the issue reached the category (To Do, In progress or Done) of its current status (if the chart is displayed by The statuses of the issues) or of its current board column (if the chart is displayed by The columns of the selected board). The time since the issue creation - the age is the total time from when the issue was created to now.
More Settings tab
On this tab you can configure the optional settings of the gadget.