Setting | Description |
Series to Display | Choose what series to display in the chart. You can select one or more options: Ideal Burndown - the ideal line specific to a burndown chart. It indicates how the remaining work should evolve in the ideal case. It is calculated based on Scope (see below). Ideal Burnup - the ideal line specific to a burnup chart. It shows how the done (burned) work should evolve in the ideal case. It is calculated based on Scope (see below). Remaining - the total amount of remaining work at that time; it is specific to the burndown chart. Burned - the total amount of work done at that time; it is specific to the burnup chart. Scope - represents the current release goal - the total amount of work to be done in the release at that time. Select this if you want to see the changes in the release scope over time. Forecast Scope - makes a forecast (prediction) about the scope and displays it as a dashed line between the end of the Scope line and the estimated release end date. Forecast Burndown - makes a forecast (prediction) about when the remaining work is finished and displays it as a dashed line between the start of the release and the estimated release end date. Forecast Remaining - makes a forecast (prediction) about when the remaining work is finished and displays it as a dashed line between the end of the Remaining line and the estimated release end date. Forecast Burned - makes a forecast (prediction) about when the remaining work is finished and displays it as a dashed line between the end of the Burned line and the estimated release end date. The calculation of forecast lines is based on the settings in the Forecast tab. |
Calculate the ideal series based on | Choose how the ideal series will be calculated. The current scope means that the Ideal Burndown line starts from a value that is the same as the current (latest) value of the Scope series, while The initial scope means that the Ideal Burndown line starts from a value that is the same as the value of the Scope series at the start of the release. You can also choose A fix scope value of and specify a number representing the total work estimate of the release. This third option is useful when you have a rough estimate of the total work but have not yet added all the corresponding issues or estimates in Jira. |